

Worms In Kittens

Worms In Kittens

by : Life Of Kitten

What are the causes and characteristics of kitten worms? Causes of kitten worms are many, for example, mites or cat fleas. Then from the above, we must know how to treat the kitten worms, as discussed below.

Did you know that some types of worms can infect a kitten? There are 4 types of worms that can make the kitten worms are tapeworms, roundworms, liver worms, and hookworms. This worm attacks all cats, so kitten worms can occur.

But these worms not only attack cats but also humans and other pets.

So in addition to knowing how to treat a kitten worms or kittens that show signs of intestinal worms.

The kitten owners should also talk about parasite examination programs and how to prevent deworming in kittens with veterinarians.

It's important to know when your kitten is treated from worm infections, as well as know how to treat them.

Causes of Cat Worms

worms in kittens

1. flea or mites

Because your cat eats fleas that have worm eggs and eggs that hatch in the intestine. You must read: How to Eliminate Flea and Mites.

2. Worms and worm eggs

The cause of worm cats can be because the worm eggs enter the body when a kitten hurt or licked himself. Can also because the eggs tapeworm (cysticercoid) ingested when eating raw meat, raw fish, or dead animals.

The following are the types of worms or tapeworm species:
worms in kittens
  • Echinococcus - this worm infects a cat through the raw or rotten meat. 
  • Ddibothriocephalus latus and Spirometra mansonoides - if these are settled in freshwater or raw fish or snakes that come from the water. 
  • Taenia taeniaeformis - cat-to-cat transmission is caused by cats eating meat or unhygienic food and has been infected with this worm. 
  • Dipylidium caninum - well this is often really found in cats. This worm infects our cat through lice where the tick has a ribigal ribbon larva in it. 

3. Infection

Parent cats who breastfeed their children are likely to transmit the infection. Can also during treatment.

4. Unclean environment

An unholy home environment can certainly be a variety of germs especially worms. Cats are infected with tapeworms from dirt or beds that are rarely cleaned. Try now see your environment?

The characteristics of cats worms

There are some symptoms of cats worms or cat worms characteristics:

1. Feathers look dull
worms in kittens

You can find your cat in worms or not by watching the fur. Usually cat hair shimmer.

But if your cat hair looks dull then it could be a sign that your cat is worm because the worms infect the cat so the cat becomes dehydrated and instead absorbs the bad nutrients.

2. Gums that look unhealthy

The next worm cat sign is if your cat is healthy then the gums are pink like a human gum.

But if your cat gums are white or pale, then your cat may have a parasitic infection. If it is pale gums, immediately take it to the veterinarian.
worms in kittens

3. Cat feces that have worms

Characteristics of cat worms you can see from the cat feces. If the dirt is dark then the sign of your cat loses blood in the intestinal wall which is a hive of hookworm.

If your cat diarrhea then it could be because worms interfere with digestion and take up space in the gut.

If your cat is exposed to diarrhea for more than 24 hours or there is fresh blood in the dirt then immediately take your cat to the vet.

4. Cat vomiting with worms

In the next cat, vomiting feature is you have to pay attention to cat vomit. Vomiting can occur in cats if they have worms. If your cat often vomits and usually there is a worm, it could be a symptom of intestinal worms or other diseases.

Worms can cause vomiting by causing irritation to the stomach lining or blocking the flow to the stomach. Immediately take it to the doctor.

5. Decreased appetite

The characteristics of cat worms can be seen from his appetite. High worms in the stomach of the cat can eliminate appetite.

Decreased appetite or disappearance can also be caused due to abdominal pain, inflammation of the intestinal lining, or a room in the intestine that is captured by worms in the stomach of a cat.

6. Big stomach

Cats that have worms usually stomach will be enlarged because of the swelling. But this one symptom can occur due to various reasons.

If there is a change in the body shape of the meow, you should immediately consult him to the veterinarian.

7. Lethargy Limp

Cats or kittens exposed to worms will feel lethargic and lack of energy because the nutrients stolen by worms.

However, signs of lethargy can also be a symptom of other diseases, not just worms.

Since you know best about your usual cat's behavior, so pay attention to whether there are changes that will make your cat become lethargic. Do not forget to take it to the doctor immediately.

How to Treat a Worm of Cats

1. Knowing the right medicine

If you infect your cat are roundworms and hookworms, the commonly used wormy cats are pyrantel palmoat and milbemycin oxime.

The drug is used for adult cats while for kittens are given oral worm medicine.

If the one who attacks your cat is a tapeworm then how to cope with worms by giving praziquantel and epsiprantel. Praziquantel you can buy freely in pharmacies while epsiprantel must use a prescription.

2. Give medicine from a doctor's prescription

How to treat a worm kitten next is to give the medicine prescribed by the veterinarian to the cat. Never give over-the-counter medication to worms without a doctor's prescription.

You should first consult a doctor what drugs are suitable for your cat, especially if the worms are a kitten.

The drugs usually given to your cat are usually in pill form, or in other forms eg capsules, tablets, chewable tablets, ointments, granules, liquids or lotions.

When you know the drug that must give, you should also know the frequency of giving. Obey the method of prescribing medication according to the veterinary prescription or the dosage listed. Give the cat drug until the medicine runs out.

2. Be prepared to face the side effects of the medication

Because worm medicines are more toxic to worms than for your cat. Therefore you should consult a veterinarian and prescribe medications according to the prescription.

Some of the side effects that will be experienced by your cat include vomiting and diarrhea. Discuss what are the side effects of the veterinary medicine. But make sure your cat reacts normally after taking the medicine.

3. Be sure to check again

The vet will definitely ask you to bring your cat again in the next few days. The doctor will confirm his or her recovery or advise to undergo further treatment.

It is important to re-visit the vet if requested.
In conclusion,

If you already know the characteristics of cat worms you should immediately take the decision will be treated alone or taken to the doctor.

If your cat already looks very weak due to worms, should be taken immediately. Cats worms do make the cat look pity. Hopefully, you can overcome the cat worms so that your cat can be healthy again.

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