

feeding kittens

Feeding Kittens

by: Life Of Kitten

The good, the kitten should stay with its mother for 8 weeks or more to suckle before separated or for adoption. There are times when we helped, for example when kittens in danger, parent cat is dead or the parent cat does not want to breastfeed his son. Many things are taken into consideration when har like to feed the kitten. With thorough preparation once you consider, you will not get nervous and uncomfortable when feeding the kitten with a bottle. The kitten you are healthy and happy.

A. Things to be prepared to feed newborn kittens

1. find a foster mom. Consult with a veterinarian near your homes and go to shelters cats around you to find cat mom who breastfeeding so could a kitten. The milk from the mother cat is best for kittens. Before giving the formula for the kitten, it's good you are looking for a foster mom for kittens to caring for and feeding the kittens left his mother.
  • Take care! Although you find a parent who is breastfeeding, not necessarily the parent accepts the other kittens. Note When the adult cats are always interacting with older cats. because he will try to kill the kittens that are not received. 
  • When you are lucky to find a foster mom, try disguising odors from your kitten. Wipe fur children of the adoptive mother cat, and then swab into your kitten. This way can disguise the smell of the kitten you like children of the adoptive mother cat. The possibility of a kitten on the decline by the adoptive mother is greater if the smell of the kitten. By disguising the smell of your kitten, the chance of being accepted by the larger rather than foster mom is not disguised.

2. Election of the milk. Newborn kittens can only drink milk from its mother. giving the wrong milk cow's milk, for example, could result in short-term effects or long-term (e.g., diarrhea, dehydration and undernourishment) and long-term effects of disturbing the growth are not good. You can find specific milk to a kitten (Kitten Milk Replacement/KMR) in specialty stores or on the animal clinic of animals and can also buy via the internet such as Growssy and Max Kitt Milk, but I recommend asking for recommendations of brands of kitten milk doter animals.
feeding kittens

  • Special kitten Milk is usually sold in cans, in the form of dry powder or liquid. For history, there is usually a guide making in packaging to determine the measure of milk and water to add. 
  • Take care because the milk is usually sold in cardboard boxes and reads "Cat milk" is not suitable for your kitten. Milk that cow's milk is the content of lactose in hiding and produced so the cow's milk can provide to adult cats (just to satisfy the desires of the cats to drink milk, cat nutritional needs than itself). This is not in the recommends milk to kittens.
3. Think of other ways if you don't immediately get a milk substitute. Good milk for kittens is directly from its mother. When you don't have it, use boiled water for up to the kitten, and immediately buy the milk for the Duchess. If the kitten looks very hungry, you could make a teaspoon of glucose mixed a glass of boiled water. But, this way only for emergencies. Do not be given for the long term.
feeding kittens

  • There are other ways to fill the belly of hungry kittens till you get milk. That is to provide the boiled rice, water is the water you cook rice. Rebuslah rice and water filter. Water boiled rice contains carbohydrates and little did not make the kittens defecate, and could be a solution to getting milk.
  • Provide the water will prevent the kitten hydrated and better than give cow's milk can make the kitten became ill.
feeding kittens
4. Manage your time. The younger the age of the kitten, according to faster, so the kittens are increasingly being fed because of his small size. means you or your family should pay attention throughout the day until old enough to switch solid food.
  • newborn kittens, kittens are aged less than 2 weeks, food intake must be observed, day and night up to the age of the child cats enough to switch to solid food.
5. You must know! You can wean the kittens left its mother earlier. Wean or lay off milk to kittens and begin introducing solid foods. You can start when a kitten aged 4 weeks. You can find out the time to; can be seen at the moment he likes to bite the tip of the bottle of milk.
    feeding kittens
  • You can start by putting a little bit of food on the rest. If she looks yet want to eat it you can add a little milk or water to soften the food and make it more interested. Put solids near the kittens. so she could eat it when it felt ready and want to eat. Slowly, reduce the milk that you combine food, increase the amount of food density. 
  • Most kittens start eating food at the age of 7 weeks.
  • kitten aged 6-10 Sunday should give eating up 8 times a day. Kitten aged 10 weeks to 6/7 month need 4 meals a day. Kittens aged 9 months need to eat 3 times a day. My advice, cats were fed 2 times a day when grown

B. Feed the kitten

feeding kittens
1. Set up the equipment. In feeding the kittens there are some tools that should be prepared. If any of you use a bottle or pacifier specifically for kittens, e.g. bottles and pacifiers ferplast brand. Small bottle size and has openings at the top. so that the thumb can be included to adjust the amount of milk out of the dot and could make the kitten choke. The form dot is long and thin, so it fits the size of the mouth of the kitten. This dot as a kitten drinking directly from its mother.
  • If there is no equipment to the kitten, the second option is a syringe or eyedropper. This tool can be used to dispense milk into the mouth of the kitten. However, the kitten couldn't Snort it. So try to buy bottles or pacifiers special kittens as soon as possible.

2. Equipment must be sterile. Create tableware kitten remains sterile is essential. Washed alone is not enough. The tool can be bought or steam sterilizer marinated cutlery kittens in solution sterilizer Milton in the container.
  • Solution sterilizer Milton can you buy at pharmacies, usually you can find on the shelves of baby equipment. Follow the rules of usage in packaging. If you use Milton, sterilizer before use rinses the cutlery with boiling water to remove any traces of liquid.

3. create and warm your milk. If you buy milk in liquid form, Open the cans and measure out the appropriate rules in making milk cans. If you use a powder, follow the rules of manufacture in packaging to find out how many spoons of milk and water to add. Follow the rules of making milk properly, because of the measure of milk too much could make kittens sick, while too little milk is just the sum of his nutritional less.
  • use milk only when wanted to give milk, because milk does not contain preservatives, so easy casserole. In addition, the immune system of a newborn kitten is still weak, so that the contaminated bacteria in milk is dangerous for kittens. 
  • do not heat milk using the microwave as it will bubble that occurred very hot or very cold in the bottle. More on recommend milk into the bottle and then enter in to soak in hot water. 
  • the temperature of the milk must not be too hot or cold. The good, the milk temperature is the same as the temperature of the body. Try it with a shed down the back of the hand, to check the temperature of the milk. If too hot, milk can injure the kitten's mouth.
4. Check the body temperature of a kitten. When you want to give milk, make sure cats kid's body felt warm. At any given moment, the process of digestion of a kitten hanging from its body temperature. If his body is cold, the digestive process usually runs slow and milk will undergo the fermentation process in the belly of a kitten. Usually, Newborn Kitten lying near his mother and temperatures tend to be warmer. The ideal body temperature a kitten on the three first weeks is 35.5 – 37.7 Celsius.
feeding kittens
  • Stabilize the temperature of the kittens on the temperature range give a cushion warmers under his bed. If there is, use hot water in a bottle and then put it in a wrap with towels put the cat under the bed to prevent the kittens come into contact directly and provide burns. Replace hot water as needed to keep the kitten warm.

5. Give the milk to kittens. Sit comfortably with his towel, put it on top of your lap. Place the kitten like him while sucking its mother: head with erect, feet below the belly, and lean. When you first give milk to kittens, squirt milk from the teat. Navigate droplets of milk to near the mouth of the kitten. Cats have a strong sense of smell and most likely her smell the milk and dairy to hover.
feeding kittens
  • If using dot, kittens need help to find dot. So point the dot to the mouth. After that, the cat's natural instincts take over and she will start sucking up. 
  • If using the appliance away. Press gently to dispense milk into his mouth. Let him drink of milk in each drop. Do not fill the mouth of the kitten with milk. Too much milk can enter the lungs and cause pneumonia. Do slowly, do not hurry up. 
  • the position of the body of the kittens is very important. Do not equate with human babies and make sure that the cat leaning over sucking. Make sure the head is not lifted, as this can make milk and inhaled into the lung, can cause serious illness or death.
6. make milk with just the right measure. Cimicat infant formula or other cats were given a guide how much and how often should a kitten be given milk inside the packaging. The following general guidelines about the rules in the making and giving of milk to kittens in the first week after birth.
feeding kittens
  • day 1-3:2.5 ml milk 2 hours once. 
  • day 4 – 7:5 ml milk 10 – 12 times a day. 
  • day 6 – 10:5 – 7.5 ml milk 10 times a day. 
  • day 11 – 14:10 – 12.5 ml of milk every 3 hours. 
  • day 15 – 21:10 ml milk 8 times a day. 
  • day 21 >: 7.5 – 25 ml, 3 – 4 times a day, In addition to introducing solid food.
7. Behold the sign of his mark. When you learn and try to give milk to a kitten with a dot, keep in mind that give excessive milk or less fitting may result in respiratory problems of the kittens. Watch a kitten for giving milk to make sure milk is not entered into the nose and the stomach (gastric) are not enlarged.
feeding kittens
  • If your cat's greedy and she keeps sucking even exceeded the suggested advice, check out his stomach. If the enlarged stomach and toned, stop giving of milk. Curry already well-fed kitten but she doesn't feel it. Do not give milk. 
  • If the kitten is reluctant or little drinking milk from recommending keep calm. Chances are your kittens like to drink a little. If you're anxious because you're not kittens drink milk with enough, do not force them and take risks so that the milk can get into his lung, stopping. Let the kittens take a break, try about 1 hour later.
feeding kittens
8. Be still and relaxed. Patience and serenity while giving milk to a kitten is important to him. Let the kitten drink slowly to avoid stuffed and sick.
  • try to make cat saltpeter with resting your back on your body and wipe with soft kitten's stomach. When a kitten along with its parent, the parent cat helps pull out the wind and dirt by means of wipe it. Don't panic when you see it because it's a nice sign!

9. Clean the ass kitten. When kittens are done nursing. Its parent will soon be licked her son's genitals and buttocks, to stimulate urination and diarrhea. The parent cat is typically put shit his son on his lap so that their place isn't dirty and unattractive. However, in the absence of the parent cats, you must help the kittens to defecate. Use wet wipes and wipe his ass with the movement to such a mother cat lick. Finishes with clean wet wipes to clean his ass. Your task is finished until the next feeding time.
feeding kittens
  • It is important to the success of giving milk to kittens. If you don't do as the parent cats do in the process of spending dirt on kittens, the urinary bladder and colon kittens will remain unfilled and a kitten can be a pain.

10. Return the kitten to place the warm bed to rest. Give milk to kittens regularly during the next few weeks, until the kitten is ready to move on to solid food. At that time, consultation with the vet about food what is appropriate for your cat's food.
  • Add solid food when the kitten eats soft food slowly and give it on intact when cats aged 4 weeks. Sometimes the kitten must be given a milk bottle for up to eight weeks and each every child's development should be consulted the cat to the vet.

For more details, you can view the video here :


  • Weigh the cat's body weight per day for two weeks after the birth You can use the food scales but must be coated with a rag or clean cloth. The weight of the kittens generally increases the range of 14 grams during the first 2 weeks. Make a note of the weight up and down the kitten well during the process of giving of milk. Consultation with the vet in case of increase or down weight cat in drastic. 
  • the best option is to let the kitten along with its mother until the age of 6 weeks, at the suggestion of kan at the age of 8 – 10 weeks is better. The cat's breeder suggested adopting a kitten at the age of 12 weeks, at this age the kitten more ready to adapt to the new environment. There are some problems if a kitten too early in its adoption, such as difficulty in adapting, health is impaired and its development is impaired. 
  • When the cat would not eat or don't want to drink, to consult with a veterinarian because it is a health disorder
